AvalonDev is established in 1992 and ever since it has been your number one source for IT Staff augmentation, training and consulting services. We offer top of the line consultants at very reasonable rate on full time or part time basis. Most of our consultants are Microsoft/Siebel certified with at least 3 years relevant experience. Our consulting services offer you packaged solutions, customizable solutions and most reliable short term and long term contract based solutions. Our training services offer you very high quality professionals trained in relevant profession with proven credits.
AvalonDev is Microsoft's Quick Launch partner and preferred vendor for Wipro, OSI and PriceSearch Corporations. AvalonDev won Vendor of the year award from HireBay.com for the year 2006
Listed below are most frequently assisted technologies
Contact us now. We are ready to give you our best and help your organization become even more successful than it is today.
Phone: USA (714)961-5495 India: (+91) 98481 34537
Email: sales@avalondev.com